On Sunday Mornings we gather at 9:30am in the Parish Hall for fellowship, study, and Christian formation. Wherever you are on your journey with Christ, you are welcome in this space—to bring your knowledge, your experience, and your questions to share within community.
Tea and coffee are available during this hour-long session. Please bring a Book of Common Prayer and a Bible if you can, or borrow these materials from the Parish Lounge.
Pilgrims of Hope—Jubilee 2025
Michaelmas 2024 through Eastertide 2025
As the Church Catholic proclaims a year of Jubilee, we join in a message—in a practice—of hope through this year long pilgrimage of study, prayer, and encounter. By meeting one another where we are, by encountering the history of our faith and cultures, and by encountering ideas of God in Holy Scripture and Sacraments, may we be ever more faithfully drawn into the sacred heart of God.
This pilgrimage has three tracks: A community one (Work & Faith), a personal one (Formation), and a collective one (Pilgrimage)—all designed to meet parishioners of all ages and all preparations where they are—and all designed to create a space for us to walk together for fellowship and renewal.
All the materials you need to participate are online at this website. Watch each week as new readings and pilgrimage aids are uploaded. And watch the weekly newsletter for announcements about outings and celebrations along the way.
Invite a friend, and let’s journey together in hope.
Download the Pilgrimage Formation Schedule by track here.
The sequential calendar of Sundays follows below.
Items marked with an asterisk are preparation for baptism or confirmation.
Sunday Date Topic
September 8 * Kickoff—Pilgrimage & Hope The Rector
September 15 * Christian Values in an Election Year The Curate
September 22 Hope & Liberation Dr Lacey Whitmire
read Craig Rennebohm excerpts: “Souls in the Hands of a Tender God”
September 29 * Spes non confundit The Rector
October 6 * The Early Church The Rector
October 13 * The Anglican Reformation The Very Rev’d Robert Willis
October 20 The Episcopal Church The Curate
October 27 Reflections on the Glebe House & Judges’ Cave
November 3 * The Anglican Communion The Curate
November 10 * What do we believe? The Apostles’ Creed The Rector
November 17 Images of Our Lady & Dura Europos Felicity Harley
November 24 Dura Europos & Images of Mary
December 1 * Scripture & texts: Advent Lessons & Carols The Curate
December 8 * Images of Mary & Birth Narratives The Rector
January 12 * What is Scripture? Who is God? The Rev’d E. Bevan Stanley
January 26 Saint Luke’s Church
February 2 * Candlemas & Jesus The Clergy
February 16 History of Lectionaries & Praxis Robert Nelson
February 23 Pauli Murray
March 2 * What is Scripture? Who is Jesus? The Church? The Rev’d E. Bevan Stanley
March 9 * Sacraments & Prayer Book The Clergy
March 16 * Anglo-Catholicism & Christ Church The Rector
March 23 Peabody Museum
March 30 Freud & Christianity Dr Lorraine Siggins
April 6 Encountering Christ in Difficult Circumstances
— Boundaries and Strategies for Ministry
April 16-20 Easter / Triduum / Families & Children services
May 4 * Marriage & Sexuality The Curate
May 11 Gender & the Created Order Dr Joe Canarie
Recent Sunday Forums
Epiphany Term 2024: The Book of Common Prayer and Anglican Spirituality
In this series of conversations, we will explore some of the core features of Anglican Catholic spirituality and practice, using the Book of Common Prayer as a guide and resource. What does it mean to live a life as a Christian, as a Catholic Anglican, as an Episcopalian? This class is suitable for preparation for Confirmation or Reception. We’ll read together Derek Olsen’s Inwardly Digest: The Prayer Book as Guide to a Spiritual Life. Order the book online here or read excerpts posted online each week at this site.
Suggested readings will be posted in advance.
February 11 - The Book of Common Prayer: An Overview
February 18 - The Daily Office
Forward Movement Daily Office texts and podcasts: click here
Brotherhood of St. Gregory:
Mission of St. Clare Daily Office site:
February 25 - Baptism
March 3 - Eucharist
March 10 - The Holy Scriptures
Suggested Reading: Roger Ferlo, excerpts from Opening the Bible
March 17 - The English Reformation and Our Lives Today
November 19, 2023: Theorizing Chant with Peter Kohanski
Garland Scholarship recipient and parishioner Peter Kohanski will present a paper on music in religion, entitled “Theorizing Carpatho-Rusyn Chant Between Textual History, Embodied Performance, and Digital Media.” The paper uses Carpatho-Rusyn plainchant to explore how we encounter sacred music through text, in person, and on recordings. Download notes for Peter’s presentation here.
Peter Kohanski is a Ph.D. candidate in music history at the University of North Texas where he also teaches an introductory class on music and culture for both music majors and non-majors. He attended the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in music history and literature and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. His dissertation, supported by grants from UNT and the Handel Institute, shows how diverse listeners across Britain’s eighteenth-century colonial empire used G.F. Handel’s music to negotiate constructions of Britishness rooted in expressions of race, gender, and status. His other notable research project—and the topic of today’s forum—focuses on Carpatho-Rusyn plainchant, the first product of which is under review by the Yale Journal of Music and Religion.
Michaelmas Term 2023: The Gospel According to St. Matthew
From the Beatitudes to the Great Commission, the Gospel of Matthew contains some of the most memorable and moving accounts of Jesus’s teaching and ministry. Over several weeks, we’ll read through the entire Gospel together, exploring both its historical context and how the text might speak to us today.
September 17 - “The Worlds of the Gospel of Matthew.” Led by the Curate.
September 24 - Matthew 1-4. Led by the Rector.
October 1 - Matthew 5-7. Led by the Curate.
October 8 - Matthew 8-10. Led by the Curate.
October 15 - Matthew 11-13. Led by the Curate.
October 22 - Matthew 14-18. Led by the Curate.
October 29 - Matthew 19-25. Led by the Curate.
November 5 - Matthew 26-28. Led by the Rector.
Check this page each week for reading materials.
Since the 1970's Christ Church has hosted the Community Soup Kitchen, making available the use of the kitchen and dining hall of our parish house five days a week. A non-sectarian charity with an independent Board, the Community Soup Kitchen is the largest organization of its kind in New Haven. It provides a vital service to New Haven's neediest citizens, as well as an opportunity for parishioners, local residents, and college students to serve the poor.
Want to help? Contact the Soup Kitchen directly by phone (203-624-4594) or email (soupkitchen
More information can be found on their website,