Sunday 22 December: Fourth Sunday of Advent

8:15am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel

8:45am Mass with Hymns
(Rite II) in the choir; The Curate preaches.

11:00am Solemn High Mass
(Rite I) in the nave & livestreamed; The Curate preaches.

Compline is on break and resumes January 12, 2025.

Advent & Christmastide Schedules are here.

Weekday Services (unless otherwise noted)

M- F 8:00am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel & livestreamed

We are currently transitioning from Livestream to Vimeo as our streaming provider; thank you for your patience during the transition.

M, W, F 12:15pm Low Mass in the Lady Chapel (Rite II)

Tue 5:30pm Sung Evening Prayer

Th 5:15pm Evening Prayer & Low Mass in the Lady Chapel (Rite I)

Read the weekly parish newsletter, the Chronicle, online.


The Parish Office is open Monday - Wednesday 2:00pm until 4:00pm. The office may be contacted via email or by phone on (203)-865-6354.